Round 2: [1 Hour] [Technical + Managerial Round]

I got a call from HR after 10 minutes of my first interview. Initially, there was only one Interviewer. He introduced himself and asked me to tell him about myself.

I introduced myself and gave him a brief idea about my thesis work, projects I’ve done so far, etc. He asked some basic questions about my Thesis, tech used, LSI model, query(document) retrieval, etc.

Then, he gave me a coding question.

Given a graph, check whether there exists a cycle or not.

First, I asked whether the graph was directed or undirected.

The Interviewer said, to make it simple, let’s take it as undirected.

I wrote the code using DFS and kept the tracking of the node’s parent.

Then, he said to write the code using bfs. I implemented the same by taking a queue.

Suddenly, one of the other Interviewers joined the call; we greeted each other, he introduced himself and asked me to introduce myself.

Again, I gave my introduction, projects that I’ve done so far, about my Thesis, etc. He was more interested in my thesis work. He kept on asking about the details, frontend, backend, tech used, query retrieval, internally, how this takes place? Related to deployment etc. Explained all the things one by one in detail. Asked some of the basics of OS, DBMS, OOPS, ACID Properties etc.

Then he asked some managerial questions to check whether I’d fit in the organization or not.

According to you, what can be considered as growth?

  • Salary increment
  • Designation
  • Solving large complex problems
  • Other, and reason.

If you continuously solve large complex problems, but your designation is not changing. What would you do in this situation? He wanted to know about my views.

Where would you see in 3-5 years?

About my gate rank? Why did I choose IITK and not IIT D, M, B, etc.?

I asked about the projects given to a fresher in the end. We thanked each other and ended the call.

SAP Labs Interview Experience for Developer Associate

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